
Stella Artois Competitors

CCO: André Kassu, Marcos Medeiros
CD: Marcelo Rizério
AD: Alexandre Kazuo, Ayrton Bená
CW: Lucas Ribeiro
Film Production: O2
Film Director: Renato Amoroso
Audio: Satelite
Making of Pictures: Marcos Medeiros

 Talking about yourself is easy. That’s why we asked our competitors to tell the features of Stella Artois.

Talking about yourself is easy.
That’s why we asked our competitors
to tell the features of Stella Artois.

 We traveled to Belgium,  Stella's birthplace, and visited these local breweries: Gruut, Hof Ten Dormaal and Buvens.

We traveled to Belgium,
Stella's birthplace,
and visited these local breweries:
Gruut, Hof Ten Dormaal and Buvens.

 Everyone respects Stella Artois.  Including other breweries.

Everyone respects Stella Artois.
Including other breweries.

 Stella Artois.  Recommended even by competitors.

Stella Artois.
even by competitors.

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