Evicted - Atalho NGO
CCO: Marcos Medeiros, Andre Kassu
CD: Marcelo Rizerio
AD: Alexandre Kazuo, Vitor Favero
CW: Lucas Ribeiro
Film: Alexandre Kazuo
Photography: Gustavo Mendes, Pablo Vaz, Alexandre Kazuo
The growing number of evictions driven by COVID-19 pandemic is worsening an already serious housing problem, forcing thousands of families to leave their homes.
To help these homeless people, we came up with the Evicted Project.
A movement that asked furniture brands to showcase their products photographed in the same place that people are living:
on the streets.
We called everyone's attention when they less expected:
when they were searching for new furniture on social media.
Many brands joined the idea, placing their products on the streets, and asking for a donation to the NOG Atalho.
Project's website: www.projetoatalho.com.br/despejados